Mood: surprised
Now Playing: Day 4735-FREE YOURSELF...MY JOURNEY
Topic: "SPARE" Worth The HYPE!
But Prince Harry really has an amazing book, audio book or however you choose to read or listen to his story.
What I always say about removing titles... taking the time to learn about someone's back story.
For anyone, who is also a black sheep or has sibling rivalry. You will be most appreciate of the words and sometimes heartbreak. How it used to be and how it has become.
The depths of dysfunctional family at its finest, kept under strict lock and close doors comes to life and the story begins. The dysfunctional life, of family royalty, that shows us... no one and no family is perfect.
I got a few gift cards to Amazon Audibles and welcomed, introduced into the world of audiobooks. A first for me, from my dear friend who wrote in the card, "Kimberly, maybe you need to start introducing audiobooks into your life. So here are a few gift cards for your listening pleasure."
And so this is my 2nd and favorite selection, so far and a little insert of all the hype. Most definitely worth a read or audio book purchase!
I don't have enough thumbs up! And, I'm not just going along with all the hype! In less than 24 hours... onto chapter 36!
Free Yourself...My Journey