Now Playing: Day 3118-FREE YOURSELF... MY JOURNEY
No marriage is perfect.
No relationship is perfect.
Yet, none of us will ever truly be perfect either.
However, we could all strive to be a far better person today than we were yesterday.
There is always room for improvement because let's face it... even life isn't perfect.
As we grow... we mature.
As we learn from past mistakes... we make peace with what is and what may never be.
That's the thing about being imperfect and living in a imperfect world. There's always room and there's always time for personal growth.
There are things as I grow older and much wiser that no longer serve me well. There are things that I as well will no longer tolerate. But there are always ways to Free~Yourself and be at peace with sometimes what is and what will never be.
"Strengthen yourself"
And because of that very saying.. I started to strengthen my broken body.
I walk for strength.
I walk to heal.
I walk to become a better me.