Mood: bright
Now Playing: Day 4301-FREE YOURSELF...MY JOURNEY
Topic: Realizing Peace One Step
It was the very first year that I didn’t even get to decorate pumpkins. Whether alone, even enjoy everything I bought for a nice, relaxing, fun-filled Halloween.
I got to wake up, start the day with continued havoc by true to himself, consistent, Eric. It got to the point, when once again, one must realize some sort of peace and remove oneself from him.
There is no reason, to try to rhyme and reason with someone that is so far gone, mentally. Instead, you just take care of you. Do what you need to do, and continue on the path of realizing much needed peace.
When someone fails to stay on top of their mental health. It is not your responsibility. It is their own responsibility.
It is also not your responsibility, to clean up after their actions turn into consequences. That is their responsibility. Not your responsibility.
It is not for you to feel sorry for any adult that is not in control of themselves. Not in control of their actions. Not in control of their behavior.
This isn't just sound advice per random banter. This is advice from someone who has lived with and around the above for many years. Until she did an about-face and realized the steps to peace. Setting myself free. One single step at a time.
#My Old Kentucky Home Halloween
Free Yourself...My Journey