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Now Playing: Day 4728-FREE YOURSELF...MY JOURNEY
Topic: Some Folks... CHOOSE...
Quit telling people how so-and-so disowned you and then so-and-so kicked you out... so you have to live in your vehicle. You're forgetting the most important part of your stories... you've forgot to tell the folks, why.
It's your choice to continue living in a vehicle, and you said that yourself. You also... aren't technically living in a vehicle... when I've seen you and other people in this small area have also seen you, staying at various hotels. So... technically, you have a better life than me or anybody else, because you don't have to do the dishes, and you don't have to do any cleaning. You can just sit around, drink and eat all the time and buy women and young girls and other non-family members... gifts with money that was for bills.
Make sure you tell everybody also... since you've had 4 months to do some serious gossiping worse than any woman I've ever met in my entire life... That you would like to find a campground, buy a small RV and live there, so you don't have any responsibilities or have to do anything.
Make sure you tell everyone also while you're gossiping... You agreed you would help with the responsibility of outdoor maintaining of the house... instead you have my dad, who has cancer, coming over and helping me out. Why? Because you refuse to do your responsibility as a man. You have nothing but petty excuses.
Make sure how you tell, you--know-who, that you'll compensate for the time and labor$ done by two cancer patients doing your responsibilities.
Last time I looked... we're not your servants.
And for a little added extra...
Go volunteer at hospice or a cancer institute and ask a patient when their pain isn't managed because the tumor is the size of a cantaloupe... if it hurts? Ask them if it makes them irritable?. Because people like you, disrespect people like me and others who are fighting what most don't see, internally. People like me, have to push their body, past the brink... which I don't do anymore. All because your lazy and refused to help... so you did what you could to ruin the marriage. Tell everyone, how you smiled signing separation papers. Watching me do physical things, beyond my limits was not okay, per state, who have open cases on the matter.
Yet, tell everyone... how when I got home after daily oncology fast-track treatments. You waited till I was asleep and snuck in the back bedroom, when you were told by my oncology team... that you need to watch over me. Instead... you snuck daily to the back bedroom to go on various pornography websites, International dating sites and anything else that shows you were not anything close to any kind of caregiver.
Again... make sure when you want to talk about me, that you make sure you get your facts and add them to your gossiping.
You're missing a hell-of-a-lot of facts... things that you've done. Especially, during various surgeries and oncology treatments.
Free Yourself...My Journey