Mood: don't ask
Now Playing: Day 4580-FREE YOURSELF...MY JOURNEY
Topic: Now...We Figured It Out.
Correction to podcast:
*Hands-free mobile podcasting
*He has never fully stopped the addiction behavior. There has never been a relapse.
This is what makes people addicted to energy drinks, liquid energy shots and sleep aid drinks, liquid shots, pill form.
Several factors play a role in determining how an addict develops, including personal and family history of addiction. Let's also not forget the addicts brain chemistry.
The problem with energy drinks, especially the ones high in caffeine and sugar, is that they cause your brain to release higher and sometimes dangerous amounts of dopamine. Dopamine is the feel-good hormone.
The more you drink, the more addicted you become. Your brain gets addicted to that high, rush of feel-good energy.
Liquid sleep aids do just the opposite. They help to relax the brain. This altering of hormones, chemicals in your brain allow for quicker and deeper sleep. Both uppers and lowers alter the brain and your mental awareness.
When consumed in large quantities, on a daily basis, you start craving more and more until soon enough, you are fully addicted. The making of an addict.
Mark/Clinical Case Manager
Eric's 3rd Crash. Thank you to officer and insurance company who corrected me.
It's actually called a "crash" 👇 not a collision.
What does "totaled" mean? If you've been in an auto accident and the car is totaled (also called total loss), it means the car isn't repairable, or it costs more to repair than what it's worth.
Free Yourself...My Journey