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The Road Before & After Surgery
December 2, 2017
The Clock Is Ticking!
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Day 2888-Chapter 3... Happiness~My Silver Lining


What a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l morning here in the country!

Even Papa kitty is enjoying the warm sunshine, clear blue skies and gentle breeze~

I woke up feeling blessed to start off the day with much more tolerable pain... YAYYYY! The good ole morphine family of pain medication seems to be doing the trick, but I can't take it 24/7. I am still trying to find a balance between the pain medication and prescription high calorie shakes. I wake up feeling like a zombie and instantly grab a shake for a quick pick-me-up and extra nutrition. It's a tough balance between the two, but there really hasn't been anything yet that I haven't found some sort of solution. I have been through it all and with those experiences comes an abundance of education on valuable nutrition! It's always a learning process living with Gastroparesis. Adding cancer just makes things a bit more challenging. But as always, this gal is up for the challenge! Bring it!

It's been almost a week since we have been able to hit the trails as a family. Eric has been keeping busy making sure that Snoreo and Babyblue still get their daily exercise and a breath of fresh air at our local dog park while I am back at home resting. But today was a good day! What an amazing feeling to be able to get my walking shoes back on this afternoon and later in the evening to enjoy some fresh air of my own out here in the country. Ahhhhhh... air... so refreshing! We also finally got to stop and take a few pictures of the beautiful mural that has been a painting project in the making of it's very own over the past few months here in our little, lazy, river town. Talking about a magnificent piece of art! The side of a very historic building has now turned into this incredible masterpiece!

I love little old towns with a ton of history. What I love more is the little, lazy, river towns that don't feel the need to keep up with the big cities. It's a shame to say... but it seems this little piece of history along the river might be only a mere few images left of what used to be a little, lazy, river town. A tight-knit, family oriented community. Not only are the houses going up for sale around us lately at record speed. But today it seemed as if we were the last ones to know what really was about to transpire here in the country. A piece of history and beauty here among the wooded hillside went up for sale this evening. 7+ acres with a local real estate company. And guess where at? Right across the street! Yep... you know what that means...


Myself and Eric have been really getting into it lately regarding this lemon of a gem home here in the country. I have put so much heart and soul over the past 12 months since purchasing this house. That includes far too much time repairing, repainting and redecorating our home... that it isn't even funny. It's also not becoming very funny to say the least with Eric's mentality towards addressing issues with the bank regarding errors of not reporting monthly payments to all three credit bureaus. It's not an issue of Eric being overwhelmed, because life is always going to present challenges that we all will have to deal with from time-to-time. It's more about Eric not being responsible and taking the reigns with serious matters and issues that involve our little family. That includes my stepson, little E. This gal has busted her booty on this house and even on days when I was sick as hell with very limited energy. Something had to give as I firmly planted my foot down on the ground today. Eric doesn't have much time to get himself together and start thinking logically. I can't do everything on my own anymore, solo. So today is the day to start showing me by actions. Not telling me with words. Brushing off important matters isn't going to continue flying with me. I have my fur children, little E and myself to now worry about and that means Eric must now start acting responsibly.

We now have a far bigger challenge ahead of us as the race to sell our property begins now, today, at this very second. The 7+ acres of land could get bought by someone or an investment company at any time. Our little, lazy, river town committee has already approved the land to be used for a new home development, condominiums and section 8 housing. This means if Eric doesn't get his head on straight and brain in gear, our home could quickly depreciate in value. This means you can forget trying to sell it, whether alone me living here among constant future construction. Medically, we moved on the wooded hillside here in the country for some peace and quiet. Far, far away from large developments back across state lines in the city. Needless to say... my anxiety has skyrocketed after seeing the sale sign go up on the wooded hillside this evening. All 7+ acres of gods country... soon to be gone.

That my friends... is a sad reality when the all mighty $$$ within a family, means more than the lands history.

We aren't the first ones in shock and sheer disappointment with the sale sign going up today on this huge piece of property. There are many of those scrambling to also get their homes up for sale before a big developer starts bringing in the loud-as-hell construction equipment. As for Eric. He was given an ultimatum. He either puts his big britches on and starts taking things seriously. OR... he will be paying for an apartment rental come early spring if the land sells before he gets things straight with the bank and mortgage company. The constant loud construction noises and daily banging from hammers and other tools was already a huge problem back in the rental property where we lived before buying this house here in the country. That was before radiation therapy and other chemotherapy treatments failed to cure or provide me any sort of long term relief. Now just imagine dealing with all of that same construction noise now. Amplified 100 times more on top of a very large wooded hillside that already echoes noises that are easily able to be heard inside and outside of our property. With far larger and much more angry tumors through out my body...

No way! No how! 

It just won't work for me. It's unfortunate, because I didn't ask to be sick. But I can't take living across the street from a major construction zone either, so something has to give. I have done more than my fair share of hard work, physically and mentally over the past 12 months with this house. That doesn't include dealing with highly combatable immediate family, those who would rather run to the courts, then sit down like normal adults and address their issues. Now it's Eric's turn to step up to the plate. He either gets his head on straight... or he will be working a lot more overtime come spring, so I can have some peace and quiet while renting an apartment till he gets the issues resolved with the bank so we can sell off and move to a house that isn't located within a major construction zone.

Time will tell with 7+ acres now officially for sale across the street from our home here in the country.

Eric... the clock is ticking!

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: July 5, 2018 7:21 AM EDT
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December 1, 2017
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Day 2887-Chapter 3... Happiness~My Silver Lining


Today marks the official beginning! 



 I am super excited to begin this next chapter of what I hope to be, many silver linings!

 A personal journey sharing the ups, downs, ins and outs of this crazy place we call... life.

Thank you to all the permalink readers and those who never seize to amaze me with your own personal stories. Thank YOU for inspiring me through out my journey! 

Who would had thought we would now be on chapter 3 and under the wings of a very reputable publishing company. Next year is going to be one very exciting year! I can not wait to share the next phase of my journey and network production in the making! It's almost as if I really came full circle! What a blessing it has been over the years as once again, Viva Las Vegas... here we come!

There aren't enough kind words to express my deep appreciate to Mark who has helped this blog during a record year of website crashes and repairs. I am still in the process of realizing the dream of a new home for not just this blog. But a new home for myself and my little family.

Will Eric be coming along for the next phase of this journey or are things not as they appear? Will indifferences among families remain or is there a possible meeting of the minds in the works? Will I accept or decline any other options with new experimental chemotherapy drugs beginning in 2018?

Stayed tuned to see as we close in on another huge record! 2 million permalink readers... AMAZING!


The realization that you are in a pretty dark place in your life is never easy. But, that realization is the very first step to lifting yourself out of it. My saving grace is going to come from multiple methods. Be it finding new connections with other brave souls also realizing their dreams, taking up new hobbies, small weekend trips traveling during my good days and self reflecting on what I can change during my bad days. Maybe this next phase in my life might include learning a new language, a new exercise routine, or realizing a huge passion of mine which includes opening up an animal sanctuary.

When I unwillingly landed in a place such as where I stand now at this point in my life, now looking back in hindsight, that bright light that always helped me out, was my silver lining.

Chapter 3... Happiness~My Silver Lining


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: December 3, 2017 8:11 AM EST
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November 30, 2017
Got... To... Keep... GOING!
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Day 2886-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


So... I got my awaited phone call today regarding Friday mornings surgery. In fact... I got more than just my one awaited phone call today. I got several phone calls today.

Time to hit the self~reset button! And quick!

High five with regards to the morphine family that finally started to provide me a bit of relief late last night into early this morning. I can't begin to tell you how great it felt to actually be able to walk around without being in a world of tumor pain through my lower spine and down my legs. The only problem I have with taking such a strong pain medication is the initial one heck of a powerful KICK! Don't ask me what I was doing the first few hours once it started to literally kick in... HA! I don't even remember falling asleep. Thank GOODNESS for finally getting some relief!

What didn't fair well so much for me was the news from oncology that next months rescan and labs have been bumped up a bit. They also did not feel it is in my best interest right now to proceed ahead with Friday mornings scheduled surgery. What is becoming some sort of cancelation (after-another-after-another) event. Oncology does want me to proceed with both surgeries, but at a much later date, next month. This way they can bump up my rescan to see what changes are taking place right now with the tumors. Regardless if things really are out of my control, internally. At least all of my doctors, specialists and the Cleveland Clinic are now on the same page. I finally feel a bit more at ease.

Instead of our kitchen cabinets being taken over by post-it-notes as reminders of what's next with regards to major house repairs. There are now post-it-notes scattered as medical appointment reminders for the next several weeks. It's still looking to be a very busy month of December. That's not even counting Christmas, but we already plan on celebrating low-key. We still plan on doing our best to keep some of our holiday traditions, but as well starting a few new ones this year. Change... is inevitable. But as well... change can be good!

I was informed today that oncology will still be working closely with Rare Cancer Institutes with my unique medical case. You know what this means... future opportunities' to be presented with the next experimental oncology treatments come 2018. The last opportunity at a chance of taking a really powerful experimental chemotherapy drug was a big ole definite NO from me. However, I am always on the look out for that silver lining

Hopefully taking a long time-out as I have over the past few weeks will benefit me for a very busy upcoming several weeks.

Got... to... keep... GOING!

"One of the most powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Struggling souls catch light from other souls that are fully lit and willing to show it."


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: December 1, 2017 6:28 AM EST
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November 29, 2017
A First For Everything!
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Day 2885-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


How ADORABLE are these two!

We are finally starting to see our very first possums here in the country. Actually... early this morning while checking on our neighborhood kitties. We have a make shift safe winter haven set up in our spare garage for two of our visiting kitties. Papa kitty & Sweetie kitty who actually looks just like a little snow leopard. She is not only sweet, but super fluffy! Sweetie kitty and Papa kitty have actually grown to become close friends over the past few months. At least now they will be safe and warm through out the upcoming winter season.

If you haven't figured it out by now... loving and taking care of all god's creatures both big and small is a huge passion of mine. They truly are a  blessing!

I finally heard from oncology this morning. It wasn't exactly the news that we were expecting. But it seems that I have to continue playing the waiting game on a few issues at hand with regards to this weeks surgery. They wanted me to head up to the hospital back across state lines early this morning. But with the pain still going through my spine and down my legs from the ovarian tumors. It just wasn't a good idea for me to sit in a car and head back across state lines this morning. I already didn't get much, if any sleep. My pain medication would had worked great if my body could absorb it properly. I never did well with any form of morphine... but there's always a first for everything! I guess we will find out later this evening how well my body accepts a new pain medication from the good ole morphine family. Down right s-c-a-r-y! My medical team is doing everything in their power to make great attempts at getting one step ahead of the game with my health. Being such a highly complex case has proved to be anything, but easy. Friday morning I am scheduled for surgery. When asked if I should proceed ahead on the phone this morning with oncology... I was told to wait and see how I am feeling tomorrow morning.

Today was another day of rest in attempts of snapping my body out of this constant pain and funk. Cutie Patootie Babyblue surprised me by pulling a first this evening. I woke up from a nap and looked over to see Babyblue sleeping in Littleblue's spot on the other side of the couch as she stared back at me. All I could do was look back and smile with sheer happiness. It was just what I needed to bring me out of this funk lately. Another instance of just how much she reminds me of our beloved Littleblue. She must had been sent from heaven... Babyblue

This year, we were hopeful not to exhaust FMLA leave so quickly with Eric's employer. However... life happens. Some things you can't predict and that includes health matters that have continued to progress for the worst yet. Eric has used over 600 hours of FMLA paid and unpaid leave time in the past three years. Lately, it's been unpaid leave which hasn't been easy for our little family. Yet, we fully anticipate that he will need to take further time off from work, unpaid leave, through out the remainder of the next few months. On top of surgeries and surgical procedures. I also have other medical routine testing. Then of course, new medication that holds it's own host of problems when it comes to a first of not knowing how my body will respond. If we never understood the popular website, GoFundMe which helps families struggling financially. We fully understand it now. Families that need assistance when there is no further paid leave time to be with a loved one at the end of their journey. Right now... we remain hopeful things will all work out by the grace of God. We live for the moment, the minute, the hour and the very day that I am given on this journey. Some say... you have to walk a mile in someone else's shoes to fully understand what another human being is going through. Myself and Eric couldn't agree more.

So... as I call it a day and begin a new pain medication from the morphine family. It appears that someone else took over as the baking assistance for Eric this evening. You know... it's a good thing that I never really cared for Snickerdoodle holiday cookies.

Although... we might not be able to say the same for Snoreo. Hehehehehehe!

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: November 30, 2017 1:24 AM EST
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November 28, 2017
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Day 2884-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


It's... beginning to look a lot like  Christmas!


I love outdoor holiday decorations! Especially the Christmassy kind! Not too many colors or far too many yard decorations. I am more so a minimalist lately. Less is more!

This year there wasn't such a rush to put up our outdoor Christmas decorations. Not like last year when just moving into our home here in the country. Less than a few months before Christmas. We had so much going on a year ago that Eric couldn't even remember how we had the decorations set up last year. It might be a good thing that I could help assist by navigating through totes filled to the brim with lights and extension cords from my couch-bed indoors.

I still have yet to get over this constant pain. It is also down right exhausting. Even with new medication that was called into our local pharmacy yesterday. I still have yet to find any sort of relief. My oncologist has been corresponding with Cleveland Clinic and hopes to have at least some sort of insight, possible help by tomorrow morning. This weeks surgery that got rescheduled yesterday morning is still up in the air until I hear back from my oncologist. I am already rescheduled for another scan and labs next month. The way things are looking, it might end up being a bit sooner than later. The only thing that I was told to do for now is rest, rest and more rest.

Christmas is that time of year when whimsical magic fills the air~

That time of year when it's far easier to place all your cares and woes off to the side... tidings of peace, love and joy! I love this time of year! There is just something special and quite mesmerizing about Christmas lights. The ability to look right outside our windows and see all the beautiful twinkling lights staring back at me. Remembering those dear in my heart. Indeed a quite magical time of the year.


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: November 29, 2017 11:49 PM EST
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November 27, 2017
Last Chance.
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Day 2883-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


I haven't felt this bad in a really long time.

What made things worse was the inability to flip over on either side in order to possibly catch at least some sort of rest before this mornings scheduled surgery. The pressure pain from the tumors continuing to grow, expand and push on my surrounding organs has become a new way of life. Trying to somehow adapt to this permanent change has been mind blowing. Somehow... I have come down to one final chance at any possible surgery. That also includes any type of surgical procedure.

I should had known better to realize what was making me feel so horribly sick this morning. The cold sweats on top of pain, dizziness and feeling as if I couldn't catch my breath had Eric contacting my surgeons office and the hospital around 7:30am. I really did my best to get lots of rest and take it easy over the weekend. However, when the internal war rears it's ugly head through very unexpected symptoms. There is no warning.

A very low body temperature and extremely low blood pressure that continued until 8:00am. As Eric made one final phone call back to my surgeons office only to be told that surgery would once again have to be canceled for this morning. Later this afternoon once I finally was able to get a bit of rest with the assistance of prescribed medication. I had a phone call to make to my surgeons office. It was then that I was told due to the seriousness of my condition and symptoms that have persisted has now landed me with only one more attempt at surgery scheduled for later this week. I was told this was the last time they would be able to proceed ahead with surgery. That includes any future surgical procedures. I wasn't expecting the news, but as well I am no fool to what has continued to only get worse with my health. Still... it was devastating to hear on the phone. It wasn't until later this afternoon with further rest that I was finally able to get my blood pressure and body temperature a bit more stabile. This has been the scariest for me yet as I have quickly come to realize how bad things are getting with my health continuing to deteriorate right before my very own eyes. It's still hard to fathom everything. Who knows if I will ever come to accept the very thought of being defeated after fighting for so many years.

With Cleveland Clinic now assisting my team of specialists here in Ohio and Indiana due to the uniqueness of my medical condition. Their opinion stands with the rest of my specialists. Any type of surgery or surgical procedure is already extremely risky. If I can't maintain a much more normal blood pressure or body temperature by later this week. There is no way anyone can proceed with surgery in order to gain some sort of control over my most recent infection. The risk would be far too great for any surgeon. With my specialists now needing assistance of their very own in order to manage my care has me very worried. Mentally... I still want to fight this battle. Physically... my body is giving up. The fatigue has quickly gotten a lot worse and honestly all I want to do anymore is lay on the couch with my heating pad and electric blanket. It sounds crazy to admit that I really look forward to just laying down and getting some sort of rest. The problem with that statement is when I am finally able to get to sleep. I can't hardly wake back up. There really are no words to describe what has been going on with my health lately and the very noticeable changes that even Eric has been bringing to my attention. However, I prefer not to discuss it. This blog is the only time you will read about it. I refuse to discuss it otherwise. Unless you are one of my specialists. Then of course, I really don't have much choice in the matter.

I have one final chance with surgery that was rescheduled for later this week. I have until then to somehow start feeling better. Internally speaking. Because lets face it. Mentally I am ready! My game face is on! Physically speaking is an entirely different story. If I can't maintain some sort of decent body temperature and blood pressure by the morning of surgery. Everything will officially be called off and not by my doing. But by my surgeons. Any future surgeries or future surgical procedures will as I was told on the phone... be no longer. That thought alone is frightening, because in my mind, it means having to accept being defeated in what I fought against for such a very long time. Yet, I will do everything in my power to somehow get myself physically back on track for surgery later this week. But the reality of it all still doesn't look very promising. Especially when my pain management doctor can't even get me to some sort of middle ground with the tumor pain. Endocrinology gave up on finding some sort of answers to help balance out issues with the inability to stabilize vitally important hormones that help to regulate normal bodily functions. My levels are off the charts due to the ovarian tumors continuing to feed from the hormones that I need in order to maintain some sort of normalcy. It's been that way for months now and it hasn't gotten any better.

If this blog entry reads as if I am airing out my brain that remains on overdrive. You are absolutely correct!

Well... back to finding a possible means for some sort of relief-zzzzz


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: November 28, 2017 6:07 AM EST
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November 26, 2017
Goodbye Fall... HELLO Winter! :)
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Day 2882-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Ahhhhh... fall... the end of a most beautiful and picture perfect season...

HELLO winter!

My question, "Where is the  snow?"

 I sure hope that it's not going to be another year with hardly any snow. I LOVE snow! The more... the merrier! We also can't wait to see how Babyblue reacts to the snow this year. It will be her very first time to literally see and play in the snow with Snoreo. Embracing her huskiness of such a little firecracker that she is quickly becoming!

These two are going to end up becoming best of  buddies!

It was nice to take it easy today while Eric caught up on a few outdoor projects. There isn't much time left before the upcoming cold winter months arrive here in the country. Some of the waterproofing projects are temperature sensitive which means time sensitive. There is no longer any further time to waste. Eric did his best to quickly finish up what was left to do on the outside of the basement wall. At least the sun was out this afternoon and the temperature was warm enough to thoroughly dry the areas that still needed a bit of waterproofing. Our hidden lemon gem of a home has come a very long way! No longer have we heard the moans and groans of a very neglected home. It's as if the energy has completed shifted to a very happy home! Finally... content.

While I am recovering next week from surgery. Eric will finally have a chance to make a whole lot of phone calls with regards to errors still being reported by the bank with all three credit bureaus. His VA mortgage loan is one hot credit reporting mess! We are now on complaint #5 with the Federal Consumer Protection Agency. I don't get it... not one bit. How hard is it to report payments being made to the credit bureaus on a monthly basis?. I mean... really! The bank has only successfully reported a mere 2 payments. Still yet to report the other missing ones over the course of the past year. The only post-it notes on the kitchen cabinet for Eric to deal with now is solely regarding the bank. I look at this entire purchase, from start to finish, as one huge disappointment. Although... there is always a silver lining. We have lost a lot. We have gained a lot. But most importantly, we have learned a lot! Maybe too much for my liking. Crazy enough, I have gained a world of legal knowledge that most likely I would had never had prior to this home here in the country.

Well... back to finishing up some last minute recipes. We have a long week ahead of us and this way Eric won't have to worry about cooking. He can instead concentrate on being Mr. Nurse while I am home recovering.


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: November 27, 2017 1:53 AM EST
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November 25, 2017
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid!
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Day 2881-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Can you believe that we already made it past Thanksgiving!?

We also made it past Black Friday. But really... who goes shopping on Black Friday? Especially when most of us smart shoppers know that the best deals happen a week before Christmas. When all of the retailers must sell down on their overstocked items. What the buyers ended up purchasing far-too-much of the year prior.

Forget all that Black Friday nonsense! I would much rather wait a week before Christmas to do all of my shopping. What little that we now buy after learning that Santa's 'Nice' list has once again gotten a bit shorter this year. You know who you all are back in Ohio. The elves already saw your quick-to-cover and permanently hide naughty court filings! BAH~hahahahaha! Actually, those we do buy and exchange gifts with over the holidays prefer either baked goods, hand made items or gift cards to their favorite restaurants. It's the fur kids who really make out during the holidays! Spoiled rotten and rightfully so! They totally earn extra gifts and goodies from Santa Paws this year!

Who is the most difficult on the gift  list to buy? Little ole me. As Eric always says, "You are impossible to buy for on your birthday and Christmas." What he really means, is in general. I don't need anything nor is there anything that I really want that is on the top of any kind of gift list. I assume it's nice to be able to say that in this day and age. But in all reality, what I have experienced through out my medical journey has really allowed me to appreciate the far simpler things in life. Less is more. I would much rather bring a smile to someone else's face. I would much rather hear a family crying for joy over their loved one coming to realization with cancer treatments actually put their cancer in remission. I would much rather see a child not have to suffer through surgery after surgery in hopes of removing cancerous tumors. I used to believe that Gastroparesis was one tough son-of-a-gun! However, what I have learned over the past two years is that there will always be something far BIGGER and much GREATER.

Enjoy the good days! Learn from the bad days. Hope is a word that has no beginning and no end. Unconditional love and simple hugs go a very long way! I have grown more than most will ever know over the past few years. I am forever changed, but for the better. I have also become one tough cookie! You can't break my shell. Yet, I also know that some things in life can never be defied. What I continue to battle has only gained strength. A losing battle that has made me far more humble and a lot more appreciative for life in general. Amen.

So... maybe a really nice Shiatsu massage isn't such a good idea for your tumors. Yep, that birthday gift from Eric went right back where it came from in a mere 24-hours. Your tumors don't need a heated massage. HA! That did sound funny! In fact, it only pissed them off. So... instead he decided to surprise me with the least anticipated gift of all time.


Hahahahahaha! If you see an accident just waiting to happen. You may possibly be right! These flying beauties are not only really powerful and super fast, but as well they are extremely touchy to operate! Ask Eric, he about took his own eye out after I warned him about how touchy the remote might be at first before getting used to it. Hahahahaha! I wish he was recording a video on the drone in order to share his facial expression when it almost took his eye out. I always wanted to operate one of those really neat toy planes. That was many years ago. So I assume that maybe flying a drone could be the next best thing? At least I should be able to get some really neat pictures from way up in the air. Or... when it quickly comes crashing down. Whichever comes first. HA! First we need to master the art of safely getting it up off the ground. Keeping both of our eyes safely in their sockets. Hahahahaha!

I might not have much of a Christmas list this year. But then again, maybe lessons on how to safely operate this aircraft should be added on Santa's list!





Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: November 27, 2017 1:04 AM EST
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November 24, 2017
Getting My Game Face Ready!
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Day 2880-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


What a great way to wake up on this early Black Friday, crazy shoppers day'!


Another most beautiful morning with Sweetie kitty paying us a visit while playing among the trees. When you live in the country, neighborhood kitties are taken care of by everyone. If you find a stray or feral kitty and can catch them. Our county animal rescue and shelter will spay or neuter, along with shots for free. Then the kitties are released back into the wild with a special marking. This is to let everyone know that they have been spay or neutered and considered safe to roam free.

With the long winter months quickly upon us. Everyone takes care of the special kitties that roam free here in the country. We have been watching Sweetie grow up since she was a young kitten. Now at almost a year old, she has gotten so much bigger. Yet, still roams wild and free! Papa kitty is still as well keeping us company in the morning and evening. He's a big ole porch kitty with a huge heart!

This morning we had an early appointment for pre-surgical testing. I can't believe that my surgery is already early next week. This month is literally flying on by! One would assume, that we would be hospital pros by now. However, I am not so certain that anyone gets used to living with long term medical issues. Especially anything dealing with cancer. In any way, shape or form. The constant uneasiness, uncertainness and living the remainder of your life while walking on egg shells. It's never an easy feeling. It's never an easy road. But today, we found ourselves walking on the same ole road that we walked just a year prior. Crazy how some things in life come full circle.

The same ole broken road. Broken... because not one of my specialists on my medical team has been able to predict one day from the next. Nothing has been easy. This morning, I find myself once again, dealing with another surgery. 50/50 is what I give this one, as far as complications. My largest ovarian tumor has continued to far surpass the size it was prior to beginning this road with oncology. That was back in May, 2016. Yet, here we are, once again, walking back down that same ole broken road. It's not easy. But I have faith, that we can get past these bumps in the road. Doing so... together.

Eric, he still remains a bit uneasy with next weeks surgery. I am more concerned with the real reality of handling two totally different types of pain after surgery. Thankfully my pain tolerance is already off-the-charts, not normal. I can handle a hell of a lot of pain. However, laying around while trying to recover this time around is going to be quite tricky. Two totally different types of pain. In two totally different areas of the body. I was told to expect the worst, this time around, when it comes to post-surgical pain. I don't do well with narcotics due to my body not being able to break down pills and absorb them properly. This is where my port would had greatly come in handy! Hopefully the good stuff, anesthesia, will last me a bit longer this time around so I can sleep away the pain.

As I finish off the remainder of this weekend... resting and taking it easy. I also have to go full liquids starting today. No more sampling the super yummy pancakes from Pansgiving.

 So... you know what that means for Eric...


I totally feel a pillow  fight coming on this evening!!


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: November 25, 2017 2:46 AM EST
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November 23, 2017
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Day 2879-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)




A most picture~perfect way to start our 2nd annual Pansgiving on this most beautiful day! Actually, Thanksgiving. This day is a reminder of not only about how much we are blessed. But as well how many different varieties of pancakes can one possibly digest. Hehehehehehe!

Yep, that's how we came up with our new holiday tradition.


Talking about being PANFUL! Hehehehehehe!

These pancakes are a holiday match made in sugar heaven!


The sugar buzz alone is enough to send someone into a state of sheer sugar bliss! In order to figure out just how high ones blood sugar will jump after eating more than their stomach can handle (Eric still laughing). This is the aftermath, a mere 20 minutes later after Eric inhaled a combination of trying all three stacks of pancakes for Pansgiving.

Cinnamon apple with vanilla crème fluff on the side, and a really thick Irish crème syrup. Then of course, one can never go wrong with banana nut bread with dark raspberry maple syrup. Lastly was the manly-man pancakes with crushed turkey bacon and turkey sausage, topped with extra thick syrup goodness! We didn't even need a place setting. No way! Bring on the spoons already! And... we did just that on this second annual PANSGIVING! A bite of this pancake and a little bite of that pancake. Lordie!! My body had no idea what to make of such super delicious sugariness!

An hour later....

We were still laughing!!!  Hahahahaha! Blame it on the sugar rush from head to toe! I never laughed so hard! It's been a long time coming and we both totally deserved this happiest Thanksgiving yet! The holidays really are about smiles, laughter and sheer, undeniable, pure happiness! Sharing new memories together as family. Our little families second annual tradition was absolutely PERFECT! I wouldn't had changed a thing!

This evening we took Snoreo and Babyblue for some play time at our local dog park and then enjoyed a most beautiful  sunset along the river trails.

There are so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Most importantly is having the ability to share such a beautiful day as a family. Out with the old traditions and in with the new! One tradition that remained the same is our blessings and prayers. From our little family here in the country, to you!

Here's wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving, PANSGIVING or whatever way you celebrate to your hearts desire.


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: November 25, 2017 1:21 AM EST
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