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The Road Before & After Surgery
April 8, 2017
A Little Set-Back...
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Day 2651-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


We had everything planned accordingly for this weekend. With very limited time, we still have a lot left to do before moving onto our next adventure.

Our new way of life... RVing~

Such as with life, things can happen. Things can also happen as they tend to always do, unexpectedly.

I have been doing fairly well with my new treatments in hopes of rebuilding an immune system that unfortunately became quickly depleted after radiation and ongoing infections. Allergy shots are suppose to help counteract the many side effects with treatment, but as I learned today. Nothing is a guarantee.

When I think of allergic reactions. I assume that one would experience a rash, hives or something along that nature. That is how I generally respond to an allergic reaction, but this evening into the early morning hours things were quite different. I am not used to having upper pain, vomiting, seizures, shortness of breathe and overall, feeling out of it happen in such a short amount of time. I also began feeling very toxic. My goal this year was to stay as far away from emergency care as possible. Sure, I still go for treatments, but they are provided as well allergy shots via outpatient. With Littleblue not feeling well and her surgery right around the corner on top of needing to finish everything with our move. The last thing I need is any type of set-back. Then again, one should already be used to expecting the unexpected.

A little set-back...

Thanks to those who once again, picked up their phones. What I needed was someone to just listen and help direct me in what they felt I should do since I was anything, but wanting to seek emergency care. This is the second time I have been handed a set-back with serious complications, yet I still remain determined to fight without seeking medical help. Let's just say that vomiting every 10 minutes got the best of me. I also started to quickly become dehydrated and my seizures were not getting any better. Either I continue to fight or I officially give up. I once again, chose the latter. Eric becoming an emotional, nervous wreck also played a part in deciding it was time to head up to the hospital. Littleblue also needs her human mommy to be with her during and after surgery. There are reasons to fight and continue fighting the great fight.

Anyone who has undergone radiation near or below the abdominal area can understand how quickly scar tissue can form. We were told by my oncologists that post-radiation scar tissue can actually be worse than post-surgical scar tissue. I expected it only to be an allergic reaction to one of the treatment drugs I have been taking, but instead there are a few issues going on that has thrown me for another set-back. I refuse to take pain medication, due to not wanting to be someone that gets addicted. The thought alone scares the heck out of me enough that I refuse to take pain medication. I have even backed off a bit from the little magic pill, Marinol, but mainly due it not providing much relief. As things have progressed, even getting relief from Marinol has been limited. Not taking pain medication can cause seizures as my pain tolerance has now become extremely high! The brain is very much in tune when the body is experiencing pain. There is a connection with pain and seizures as we learned a great deal in the hospital today.

I had my first major scan in almost a year due to the emergency room physicians not sure if something else was going on after a second visit since the vomiting only had gotten worse. It seemed we treated one problem, but clearly there was something else they were missing. This tends to be the norm, which is why I dread hospitals. Especially, the emergency room. Sure enough, I am once again dealing with blockage issues. This time with my small intestine. This is first time however, that they wanted to do a NJ tube, but my specialist wants to make that decision and give my body time to see if we will need to still go that route to help decompress things. It took a lot of medication through an IV, but I remain determined to pull another odds in my favor. To me, this is just another small set-back. I will prevail, but it will take a little bit longer this time. I didn't ask about the procedure for the NJ tube. I figure that I will cross that bridge when the time comes. I tend to not allow myself to think too far ahead anymore, because anything is possible. Even when tests might show otherwise.

So... I decided to ride this out again, let my specialists decide what is best for me. Even if it means changing things up a bit. NJ tube? I have my opinions, but if it's for my best, then the best it will be. Temporarily.

Life goes on... Tomorrow is another chance. Another beautiful day here in the country...  

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: April 10, 2017 2:46 AM EDT
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April 7, 2017
Canine Cancer-Surgery For Our Littleblue
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Day 2650-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Time sure does fly by as we will soon be celebrating our Littleblue's 10th birthday!

Lately, Littleblue just hasn't been acting like her happy, chipper and energetic self. A mammary tumor was found 3 months ago after we noticed a very small growth. Our amazing groomer also noticed the same small growth. Unfortunately, the growth quickly began growing larger as Littleblue's fatigue quickly began getting worse. After another round of tests, we were then given the news that our Littleblue has mammary cancer. 

Today we had only anticipated to have an appointment with our prior veterinarian surgeon who performed dental surgery to remove a broken tooth a few years ago. After receiving three different veterinarian opinions, we were then told over the past month that Littleblue's mammary tumor was inoperable due to the size and serious surgical complications. Littleblue has connected respiratory issues which began around the same time that the cancerous growth was found. We were only looking for a better pain medication for Littleblue during today's veterinarian appointment, but sadly were given unfortunate news.

Littleblue's tumor not only continues growing rapidly and is now the size of a golf ball, but the tumor has now placed us in a no-win dilemma due to the blood vessels quickly becoming enlarged. We thought that we had at least some time on our hands, but now we don't have much time, if very little time before the tumor ruptures and becomes instantly fatal. This is a time when we believe that our appointment with our veterinarian surgeon was just meant to be. Of course, surgery scares the bejeepers out of both of us! The risks involved are 50/50 and that doesn't include if and how fast cancer cells can spread after surgery. We also have the sad risk of respiratory complications that can happen during surgery to our beloved Littleblue, but we now have no choice. There is no time left nor any other options. We are fortunate to have a great veterinarian surgeon and a wonderful surgical staff with state of the art medical equipment at their finger tips. This makes us feel a little better in case Littleblue does suffer from a surgical complication, but still the risks are scarily high!

There are times in life, no matter how much you think otherwise, when time is of the essence. We thought we had many months of happiness to share with our beloved Littleblue, but instead we were given the sad news of a very serious prognosis. The tumor rupturing would not only be fatal, but we were told it would be excruciating for Littleblue as the pain would be just as horrible. Surgery is no means a cure, but only hopeful that it will help save Littleblue and give her many more months with her family.

At the same time we were given the news, as we now nervously await for Littleblue's surgery which is set to happen in a little over a week. We read the news about Mishka The Talking Husky who sadly lost her own brave battle with cancer. Miskha was 14 years young and brought so much joy to so many around the world. That includes myself and Eric.

I lost track of how many absolutely adorable videos that I have enjoyed over the years. Times when a little bit of laughter was much needed. A reason to smile. I don't know why, but for some reason the good Lord's need to call us, even our beloved fur children, back home seems far too soon. Mishka and her entire family remain in our thoughts and prayers. What an incredible blessing. To be loved unconditionally by God's angelic animals. Our fur children.


Nobody knows unconditional love better than a dog. They love you at your worst and make your best better. That's why when they leave, they leave an irreplaceable void in your heart. Knowing that Mishka, the husky that made internet the happy escape was no more, was terribly sad.

She was diagnosed with Cancer earlier this year and passed Wednesday.

I can't even count how many hours I've spent watching her videos on YouTube and yearning to meet her someday. But I definitely remember how happy her videos made me, how excitedly I'd spam my friends with links to her videos. To know that her life ended on such a heartbreaking note is just terribly sad.

This heartwarming note on the internet's wonder girl will hit you right in the feels.


Hello Everyone,

I'm sad to say that Mishka has passed on. She stayed strong until the end and went peacefully. We will miss her terribly but know in our hearts that it was her time to go. Mishka lived the most wonderful and fabulous life. She was a true celebrity in every sense; appearing on multiple TV Talk Shows, partnered with a movie studio, was featured in Hollywood movies, and even starred in commercials. Our very special girl brought joy and love to people worldwide. We have been truly blessed to have her as part of our family for the last 14 years, she will never be forgotten. Rest in peace sweet girl, enjoy chasing those seagulls up in heaven with Moki. We love you.


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: April 10, 2017 2:46 AM EDT
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April 6, 2017
The First Signs Of Spring :)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Day 2649-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Ahhhhh... The sights and sounds of spring...


Sure, I will most definitely miss the beautiful and quite magical pure white snowflakes of winter, but spring is still A-OK to me! Spring also signifies a season of change. We are certainly heading into a new phase of our life. Lots of change!

There are so many cute ducklings and baby chickens at our local farm retailer! This is the first year in quite a long time that it actually feels like Easter is upon us! Eric even agreed with me, that if we had lots of land, there would be a few of these cuties coming home with us today. I love animals! First we must ride the legal course with litigation on our home. After all is said and done. I seriously doubt we will ever purchase another home, but instead are looking into buying land. If RV life pans out to be everything that we were told it will be, and we actually really do enjoy it... Then land it will be!

One step at a time.

Irish luck must still be in the air, even though its no longer March. Miss. Beautiful Albino squirrel paid us another visit this afternoon while enjoying some fruit seed and a new wildlife feeding block. We weren't expecting to see her again, but it appears that she might be nesting nearby. I sure will miss all the new wildlife animals that we have been feeding over the past five months, but do know that they will be more than OK and quite fattened up for the spring! Heeheeheehee!

Littleblue and Snoreo had an early morning day at the salon, back in Ohio. We don't mind making the drive back across the border since Littleblue and Snoreo are used to Galena. We also have to be careful with Littleblue's tumor, so switching to a different groomer is most definitely out of the question. By the time we picked them up, it was 5pm rush-hour traffic time. Instead of taking our evening walk along the river trails back by our home. We decided to visit one of our favorite parks, back where we used to live. Still the same, yet just not in the country. I don't ever foresee us living the city life again. Life in the country it will be for us and our little family!

#CountryPeace  #SlowWayOfLife

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
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April 5, 2017
A Long Time Coming!
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Day 2648-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


This blog post has been a long time coming!

This blog post might hit-home with possibly a few others or many other permalink readers who as well have defied a few odds of their own. Through out their own medical journey.

I don't know what in the world is wrong with some folks? Maybe it is just this day-and-age? I have not the faintest nor wildest clue why anyone would find being sick as some sort of competition among others who are sick? Even by those who aren't even sick, but healthy. For the life of me.

I am not sure if most folks expect those who endure cancer treatments to look a particular way? Hmmmmm? Maybe folks who have not endured any type of oncology or immunotherapy just 'assume' that patients are suppose to always look sickly? Then again, maybe society has this sick, twisted premonition of how people are suppose to act and look like when struggling to stay afloat. Doing ones best to defy the odds and continue on living life. EVEN... With a smile on their face.

Since when was being sick suppose to be some sort of demonic competition? I don't know if some folks had some sort of twisted assumption on what I am suppose to look like after radiation, immunotherapy and other experimental treatments, among a slue of other experimental drugs?. I am sorry, if wanting to continue looking my best, which allows me to feel my best, during my best days, bothers some folks. I am sorry, that I would much rather wear hair extensions, wigs or other state-of-the-art beauty accessories, than to show off what toxic treatments can do to your hair. Whether alone, what you are left with, as-far-as-hair, when there is no pigmentation growing back through every single strand of hair. Albino. White. That is what color you are left with and when or IF, I decide to share... This blog will be the first place when I let you know or even let you see. That is within my power. No one else, but me.

Sorry, if this blog may come across a bit harsh or brash. It should.

For those who continue saying that I don't look sick. For anyone who wants to line up and take my treatments for me. Stand in line for continued scans, countless lab work, umpteen dental surgeries, endless injections, lost count rounds of antibiotics, hospital visits, medical complications, among the ridiculous financial costs-medical bills.... Please! Step up! I would gladly take your place if you assume being sick is some sort of fun or twisted form of competition. I have held my tongue and typing blog fingers far too long. As of this week and overhearing some really demented comments regarding an assumption of what I am suppose to look like being sick OR... Better yet! How I should not continue realizing lifetime dreams or goals of mine. If you want to switch places with me. Please! Do! I would gladly switch places with those who live a normal life, work a normal job, have a normal family life, take yearly vacations, celebrate holidays without restrictions and overall live life without medical obstacles constantly in your way.

I am so sorry for those who are jealous. Although, I am not quite sure what the reasons are when there is clearly nothing about being sick that should equate any type of jealously or need for competition. It is not only disturbing, but down-right stupid. I earned my trip to see Journey. I paid my dues under the big radiation machines. I assume if you want to be jealous... Please take your jealousy to any cancer treatment center or your local hospice. Only then, will you find out and see first hand what it takes to be a brave patient during a brave journey.

For those who wake up, get up, dress up and smile for the world, when there aren't many reasons to smile in the first place. I applaud you! PFFFF... On other folks opinions!

Never let others dictate how you should look, feel or enjoy life during your good days. Never mind on what anyone else has to say... It is YOUR journey. Do what you may~


Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 9:08 PM EDT
Updated: July 5, 2018 9:21 AM EDT
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April 4, 2017
Ready to RV! :)
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Day 2647-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Ahhhhh... The first signs of spring... Especially when you are about to take a giant leap of country faith!

It might be a good thing that I got plenty of sleep over the past 24 hours. A whopping 12 hours of consecutive sleep! Adding another round of antibiotics does nothing, but make me more tired and fatigued. At least I was able to take the drive up north with Eric to our RV site this morning. Sometimes a little fresh air does the body good! It's also a super-relaxing drive which makes this gal even more tired...

We still have lingering issues going on with our RV sale. More so due to Camping World initially pulling a fast one on us and selling us the wrong RV. That meant having to redo all of the paperwork and needing to recheck everything. Some may call it the ole, "Bait & Switch." I call it, just poor professionalism by the General Manager. Not the sales person, since most of what happened was clearly out of his hands. Literally. The rest? We are leaving it in corporates hands since we have enough to worry about with finishing up vacating our 5-month old new home which continues to sink. The second litigation will begin soon enough! The quicker things can get settled. The faster everything can be overturned and Eric's VA benefits will be reinstated. Everything else, legally, could take 1-2 years before settling out or... going to trial which would be a bad thing on those involved in the fraudulent sale of a very unstable, uninhabitable and unsafe home. There will be aspects with the legal process, in which, I can not be an active party since the mortgage loan is solely in Eric's name using VA benefits. The first time he used his veteran benefits which turned out to be the worst experience possible for him. The entire situation is not only sad, but has been extremely stressful. I can only hope and pray that justice will be served accordingly to all parties involved. It might be a year or possibly even two years, but all good things to those who wait. Patience is a virtue!

At least we have a new roof over our head. It might be in the form of an RV roof, but tis a roof! The peace and quiet alone in the country is enough to make me excited for the change of pace. I won't miss the constant walking on egg shells with a home ready to collapse at any given second. I won't miss the non-stop maintenance and wasted money on a home that defies all repairs. I certainly won't miss all the constant cleaning due to the foundation now literally crumbling inward. There is actually a lot I won't miss, but what I do miss, is having a permanent place to call, "Home."

At least we still have Mother Nature on our side and all of God's creatures both big and small. However, with this new site surrounded by hundreds of acres of wooded land, there will just be a whole lot more to enjoy!

Good ole country! God's country!

As the banjo plays on...

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: April 5, 2017 11:16 PM EDT
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April 3, 2017
Treatment Day...
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Day 2646-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Another week... Another round of treatments...

At least we woke up on a funny note! A BEARY funny note as Beary kitty did her very best to appear as if she was literally inside Miss DaisyMae & SnugglyDoo's cage. Heeheeheehee! It wasn't just me who was fooled into thinking she somehow got into the cage. Eric freaked out! All I heard was, "OMG!" Hahahahaha! Sometimes, a picture really does say it all! Hahahahaha!

On a not-so-funny note...

Unfortunately, I am once again, dealing with another round of recurrent e-coli. My oncologists have lost track of how many rounds of antibiotics I have endured since contracting this nasty infection in the hospital bathroom, outside of the cancer treatment center, during one of my radiation treatments. I still regret using the bathroom that day, which wasn't the cleanest, but either I was puking in the hallway or in the bathroom. Mistakenly, I chose the bathroom. It has taken my doctors months upon months, trying to rid this darn infection! As soon as we 'think' we have it under control... POOF! It comes back again a few weeks or as of today... A month later. If we can blame anything for not helping the situation. We can clearly blame a depleted immune system, since any normal functioning immune system would had responded to the first round of antibiotics. It's a good thing that I stay in close touch with my doctors! It's also good to catch things early on! Yep, another round of treatments and another round of antibiotics to end the day.

We only have three weeks left before everything will be moved out of the house and either into the RV, storage or garage sale pile. I have no time for delays, in which, wishful thinking might come in handy about right now!


In the meantime... Time for lots of rest and plenty of zzz's...

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: April 5, 2017 10:13 PM EDT
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April 2, 2017
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Day 2645-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Talking about pinching oneself!

I can't believe it! Physically, not only did I make the 3+ hour drive, but I finally got to see one of my all-time favorite bands in concert! JOURNEY! We even got a parking spot right in the front of the Ford Event Center! If everything could possibly go right for us this evening. It most certainly did!


My anxiety did spike once we entered the event center since I am not really used to crowds. Not anymore. I have a huge fear of large crowds and even worse, being stuck right smack in the middle of one! The concession stand lines were no better after taking 30 minutes just to make it to the front of the line. The bathrooms were even worse, but it didn't have anything to do with the band, but instead the coordination, or lack of, with the event center staff and personnel. We personally would never attend another concert at the Ford Event Center, but then again, I figured this would be my last concert. Mainly due to medical reasons and the huge effort it takes to coordinate and pull off such a huge feat! Personally, I am beyond proud of how well I not only handled the drive, but as well dealing with taking a slue of medication through out the entire day. Physically, I asked a lot from my tired body, but I made it!

I once again defied the odds... I realized my Journey!


Talking about so many reasons to celebrate! So many reasons to celebrate life and all of the ups and downs that we both have endured... Together. There is no other human being on this planet that I would had enjoyed this journey with more, than my one and only best friend, comedic side kick, confidant, spontaneous jokester, up for anything... Hubby We just... Click! We not only sang our way to the concert, but as well laughed at quite a few happy and quite memorable moments that we have shared over the years. I was determined as ever to make it to the concert! If it wasn't for Eric continuing to cheer me on and always letting me know, "You got this!" I doubt that I would had pushed myself so hard. I can't begin to describe the feeling of truly having someone there for you. Having a soul mate and best friend there to lift you up when you feel at your most absolute worst. In such a short amount of time, we have endured a lifetime of struggles and an abundance of pain. Guess what? Here we are!

We made it through the JOURNEY! The next chapter can only get better from here! AMEN!

Thank you to those who helped make one hell of a Bucket List dream come true! The entire trip could had not gone any smoother nor could the drive had been anymore comfortable. The concert was everything that I could had ever imaged and then some! A picture perfect, once in a lifetime opportunity to cross off another item from my Bucket List.

Would I do it all over again? I most definitely would do it allllll over again!

No matter what we go through in life. We still are able not only to Dream a Little Dream, but to realize our dreams. Don't Stop Believin and never give up on your



Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: April 5, 2017 8:04 PM EDT
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April 1, 2017
Life Is A JOURNEY! :)
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Day 2644-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Talking about EXCITED!


Nah... More like... SUPER  EXCITED! A bit nervous too!

A time to celebrate life with another new journey. This time it was the once-in-a-lifetime musical kind of journey!

A same-day road trip to finally see Journey in concert with the best seats in the house! One of THEE best Christmas gifts that a gal could ever wish for and which I vowed to not go to waste! I didn't care how I was going to get there, but hell or high water, I WAS GOING! Heeheeheehee!

Thanks to Ben and Kyle for providing the first of many important must-haves in order to make our journey as comfortable as can be out on the open road. This Yukon was not only spacious and quite roomy, but it also had really nice heated seats and every kind of optional feature one could ever want or find in an SUV. I thought the expedition that our insurance company reserved for us to use while our car was getting repaired was nice, but this Yukon is actually a lot nicer! I can't begin to explain how much more comfortable the ride was while sitting for a little over 3-hours up and 3-hours back since we had to do a same-day trip for medical reasons. I also have to make sure not to push things beyond my physical limit since I am still going through immunotherapy treatments.

Where there is a will! By golly! I will find a way through my JOURNEY!

The 3-hour drive didn't seem too terribly bad, although we had to make quite a few pit stops so I could get out to stretch and be kind to my kidneys along the way. With lots of healthy beverages for me, snacks for Eric and Journey's greatest hits to listen to while driving out on the open road. A little over 3-hours later and realizing they were actually an hour behind us... Decades later... Not only a dream come true, but a Bucket List in the making was finally realized! 


With nothing, but sheer determination and a bunch of photos to follow! We finally arrived to our destination! Thank YOU to my dear friend, Cheryl in LA for such an amazing shirt that she personally made with beautiful tiny Swarovski Crystals (letter 'T' accidently hidden in photo) which also made it to my...


Tomorrow's blog.. Part 2

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: April 4, 2017 1:40 AM EDT
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March 31, 2017
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Day 2643-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


Our life is about ready to take another turn~


YOLO is finally on her way to the new site... Our new home!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with living in the country. There is also absolutely nothing wrong with living deep in the country where LESS is truly MORE!

You know... By the looks of things... This gal could really get to liking this new way of life. Hmmmmm... The great outdoors with lots of wildlife, plenty of nature, open land, fresh air and well earned peace & quiet! This is only our third time to the site. Once we hit the open country road, it's also yawn time! Hahahahaha! There is just something about the country and living the country lifestyle that makes one feel about as relaxed and at peace as one can possible get! We thought our little, lazy, river town was peaceful. We thought we were living out in the country, but when you compare it to our new site where our new home will reside... THIS is COUNTRY! God's country!


We overheard one person at the local gas station make a comment about how living out here is like living in a ghost town. Well... You know... I like the idea of living in a ghost town! Where is my equipment? I might be needing it sooner than I had anticipated! Heeheeheehee! No worries, it was an out-of-towner complaining. That's what those who live out here in the country say about city folk. Shhhhh~ We won't tell them, not just yet, that we used to be city folk. Heeheeheeheehee!

It was exciting watching YOLO-You Only Live Once, being brought onto the new site. A brand new home and a far safer place, where at the end of next month we will officially be living and hopefully are able to rest our heads at night a LOT more COMFORTABLY! There won't be a mailbox, but instead, a P.O. box. Not only for privacy reasons, but because we have learned from past mistakes and that sometimes you need a bit of privacy in your life in order to maintain some peace. Today we were able to begin the set-up process with YOLO at our new site. Anyone who has ever owned an RV can appreciate the fact in which it does take a bit to get everything up and running. We plan on it being a learning process. Learning along the way as I am sure we will be making mistakes and quickly learning from them!

You have no idea how less of stress we already feel by walking into an actual brand new home, even if it's not a typical home, that isn't sinking, pulling, shifting and collapsing on us. Living out here in the country with all the peace and quiet, wildlife, open land and lots of fresh air is exactly what we needed!

A little bit of God's Country in a little bit of Country Heaven


"You Only Live Once"

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: April 4, 2017 12:02 AM EDT
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March 30, 2017
A Little Friendly RV-FYI!
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Day 2642-Next GP Chapter... Turning Lemons Into Lemonade :)


The last of YOLO'S prep work is being completed today in time for her to be moved to a new site. What we weren't expecting was an urgent call from the finance manager yesterday evening with regards to a very serious mix-up.


Not only did the voicemail sound concerning, but so was the fact that the finance manager was calling me at 8pm. After catching some serious zzzzz's... I woke up around 3am with a gut feeling to look at all of my paperwork for YOLO (you only live once-RV name). Eric mentioned a few times, during closing, that it didn't seem like they pulled the right RV. Even the numbers didn't seem the same as our original sales contract. Mind you, there was another very similar RV, same make and model, next to the one we picked out. Surely, they didn't sell us the wrong RV? Or... Did they?

It took hours to carefully read over the entire contract, insurance and bank documents with our new RV, YOLO. Not only did I noticed a few different VIN numbers, but after doing further research on the internet and their company website. I realized that we were sold the wrong RV. Eric might not had liked the original name, Big Bertha, that I picked out for our new temporary home, but it definitely now seems Big Bertha was the RV left at the lot. The RV dealership actually ended up selling us the other RV, which we named, YOLO. Talking about a huge mistake on their end! The dealership not only pulled the wrong RV, but had put down three different VIN numbers and incorrect serial numbers on the insurance forms, finance forms and our temporary tag.

Instead of calling the dealership this morning with sheer frustration and high emotions. I instead decided to get all my ducks in a row and handle the problem solely as a business transaction. Professionally. Not emotionally. If only I could say the same for the General Manager at the RV dealership who far from handled their entire huge mess professionally. I also had to put a quick stop to the unprofessional rudeness towards me on the phone. It wasn't my fault they sold me us the wrong RV, so clearly there is no need to get defensive when all he needed to do was own up to his mistake and resolve the problem. Not add to the problem. Our insurance company had to place our new RV policy on hold, the bank had to put everything on hold and the company who is scheduled to drive our new temporary home to the site this weekend was also placed on hold. All because the dealership sold us the wrong RV, possibly. Another scenario, I discovered, was learning that the RV we were suppose to be sold went under pending deal with another customer within the same hour. There were 2 of the same, very similar RVs on the lot that day during a huge blowout sale that the dealership was having over that particular weekend. We placed a hold on the RV and the dealership also placed the other party on hold for the exact same RV. Let's just say that their deal did not go through nor their financing as the original RV we placed on hold went back up under internet stock. Their dealership stock.

Anyone, in our situation, would had lost their marbles on the phone with the RV dealership, but what good would that had done me? Not one single thing. Neither would stressing out, far too long than I need to be stressed. It only took a mere hour, after contacting their corporate, corporate sales division, two other dealers and then calling the location where I purchased the RV. The general manager should had been the most understanding of their error, but instead it was the initial sales person who was actually apologetic. Let's be honest in saying, that both RV's were almost identical, but the one we accidentally were sold, YOLO, has a bit more residual value than the initial RV we placed on hold. After talking to our original sales person, I told him to give me 30 minutes to think things through on if I wanted to proceed ahead or walk away. Since they royally messed up and all the paperwork, even the bank and insurance paperwork didn't have matching serial or VIN numbers. The ball was in my court.

PLAY as YOU may!

If it wasn't for another visit from the engineer this morning and the chimney company handing us more bad news with our lemonade home. I would had probably walked, but we don't have that option right now. Not in this situation, where time is clearly of the essence in needing to quickly vacate before the house kills all of us. 30 minutes later... I called our very apologetic sales person and he quickly expedited things on their end at the dealership! I can't say the same for the General Manager who didn't even have a bit of common courtesy to apologize for such a huge mess on their end. Unprofessionalism and arrogance with regards to any business error will get you absolutely no where. As with any company, there is always room for success and there will always be room for growth. No one is perfect and same holds true for any type of business. Customer service is always #1 for any successful company. Clearly, customer service isn't for this General Manager, but thank goodness for his sales person. Needless to say, maybe the General Manager can learn a thing or two from his sales person. As for YOLO? We decided to keep her and all of her imperfection dealership mishaps and mix-ups. Our original RV choice, Big Bertha, will remain on the dealership lot.

Sometimes... Even with a serious RV mix-up. Things are just meant to be! Lesson learned... Always, ALWAYS make sure that the VIN numbers and serial numbers match! Make sure to also double check stock numbers!

For us? Lesson LEARNED!

Posted by GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg. at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: March 31, 2017 1:04 AM EDT
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