Mask Unveiled.
Now Playing: Day 4751-FREE YOURSELF...MY JOURNEY
Topic: Mask Unveiled.
So I'm on a schedule now with my therapist, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I have always been the kind of person, to not always believe what people say and sometimes ... you don't want to believe, what you read on paper either. Sometimes, the people that are behind the disturbing behavior... are the people, that you would never dream of doing such things to you.
When someone reveals their own mask, and you figure out where and who has started problems for you... for over the past decade.
You can either let it break you or you can choose to rise above it.
Choose how you respond.
Learn how to control your emotions, which has been the greatest therapy lesson of all. Most importantly... continuing to learn peace, and calm.
Per therapist, now that you understand who has been behind the controls. This is not any type of relationship you want in your life. No one should dictate, threaten and control the thoughts and feelings of others. Nor should this individual or anyone else have others do dirty deeds for them. People have a right to share their story and their life as millions and billions of people do around the world.
"This, is the true essence of narcissistic controlling behavior."
And now, I finally have closure.
I don't need to try, to figure out if everything I read or saw, and heard... could really come from this person. Could they really direct all of this madness over the years and why would they do such a thing to me?.
For years, it was hard to fathom and believe this person could orchestrate... some really terrible, horrible, and unthinkable disturbing things that transpired and documented. Especially, during oncology treatments.
Yet others, also suffered and dealt with similar behavior by the same individual. That has always been extremely hard to wrap my brain around, and I literally would try to find excuses for their behavior. Downright cruel behavior. Yet, my therapist was right, actually as well, his partner.
As for myself, I will continue learning peace and calm. I am proud of myself to had waited, give what transpired to my therapist. Most importantly, to not react, when the mask was finally revealed. And the person standing there... was the last person you would ever wanted to believe, would hurt you and be so downright cruel, mean.
Learning the art of peace and calm has been the greatest gift, wisdom and lesson of all.
Understand that when a person finally reveals their mask... there is no turning back. That relationship is over and you must move on. There's no more trying.
It's just as my therapist said...

Free Yourself...My Journey
Posted by CHENOA BLUE GastroparesisAwarenessCampaignOrg.
at 12:01 AM MST